Research on Jewish history at Nuremberg City Archives (NCA)


Since 1965 NCA are actively researching Nuremberg’s Jewish past, since 2002 merged in a special field of work by the name of Forschungsschwerpunkt juedische Geschichte (see Historical development).


Tasks and priorities

The main tasks of the staff member in charge include replies to requests, also from abroad, about all aspects of the topic, maintaining contacts with Nuremberg emigrants and their families, acquiring and cataloging relevant documents, their evaluation, especially for individual and family biographies, as well as sharing the results in publications and exhibitions.

As the informational basics of these services, the internal databases for the two-volume Shoah memorial book and the inventory of archival sources about Jewish life in Nuremberg are updated regularly.


The old town St. Sebald with the main synagogue around 1900. (StadtAN F 14 Nr. 17)

Historical development


NCA exhibition and catalogue "Schicksal juedischer Mitbuerger in Nuernberg 1850-1945" ("The Fate of Jewish Fellow Citizens in Nuremberg 1850-1945"): 20 years after the disaster of the Shoah the presentation is dealing for the first time with Nuremberg’s recent Jewish history.


Publication of NCA staffer Dr. Arnd Mueller’s reference book "Geschichte der Juden in Nuernberg 1146-1945" ("History of the Jews in Nuremberg 1146-1945").


Edition of NCA’s booklet "Schicksal juedischer Mitbuerger 1933-1945" ("The Fate of Jewish Fellow Citizens 1933-1945").


Acquisition of the microfilmed holding Nuernberg-Fuerth (documents from 1874 to 1938) from the Central Archives for the History of the Jewish People in Jerusalem for local historical research.


Acquisition of private papers from late Paul Baruch, former chairman of the Jewish Congregation in Nuremberg.


Inventory "Quellen zum juedischen Leben in Nuernberg" ("Archival Sources about Jewish History in the Holdings of NCA") to replace an internal finding aid in use since 1949.


Creation of the holding F 14 "Dokumentationsgut zum juedischen Leben in Nuernberg und Franken" ("Documents of Jewish Life in Nuremberg and Franconia") in order to collect continually records from various sources. Today F 14 among others contains the most complete copy of the "Nuernberg-Fuerther Israelitisches Gemeindeblatt", the periodical of the Jewish congregations in Nuremberg and Fuerth from 1921 to 1938.


Publication of the book "Mitten in Nuernberg" ("In the Center of Nuremberg") listing the names and addresses of Jewish owned companies, self-employed individuals and institutions on the eve of Nazi rule, and the "Gedenkbuch fuer die Nuernberger Opfer der Schoa" ("Memorial Book for Nuremberg’s Victims of the Shoah").
Bilingual exhibition "Formerly of Nuremberg. Expulsion, Flight and New Home of Jewish Citizens since 1933".
In a co-operation with JewishGen (USA) a searchable list of Nuremberg’s victims of the Shoah is made available on the internet.


In another project with JewishGen the English internet project "Leaving Nuremberg" dealing with the biographies of Jewish citizens before and after emigration is realized.


Private papers from the four important former Nuremberg Jewish families Astruck (manufacturers), Krakenberger (hop wholesalers) and the lawyer dynasties Berlin and Josephthal return to Nuremberg.


Installation of "Forschungsschwerpunkt juedische Geschichte".
Publication of the "Ergaenzungsband zum Gedenkbuch fuer die Nuernberger Opfer der Schoa" ("Supplemental Volume to the Memorial Book for Nuremberg’s Victims of the Shoah").


NCA exhibition "'Der Dank des Vaterlandes ist Euch gewiss!' - Dokumente zum Holocaust aus der Sammlung Herbert Kolb" ("'The Gratitude of the Fatherland is granted to You!" - Documents of the Holocaust from the Herbert Kolb Collection").
2nd Nuremberg Eyewitness Panel on the occasion of the 70th anniversary of the Nazis’ seizure of power with five former Jewish Nuremberg citizens; individual interviews and video documentations of the exhibit and the panel.
Deposition of documents of the entrepreneur families Jondorf and Oppenheimer in NCA.


Completion of the traveling exhibition "Der Dank des Vaterlandes ist Euch gewiss!"


English brochure "Local Jewish History and Nuremberg City Archives."
Participation of NCA staffers in the Nuremberg-Fuerth Reunion of former Jewish citizens and their families in New York.
Presentation of the exhibition "Der Dank des Vaterlandes ist Euch gewiss!" in Wilhelm Loehe School Nuremberg.


NCA exhibition "'ITUS Nuernberg zaehlt zu den besten juedischen Fussballmannschaften in Deutschland.' Juedischer Fussball in Nuernberg 1933-1938" ("'ITUS Nuremberg is one of the best Jewish soccer teams in Germany.' Jewish Soccer in Nuremberg from 1933 to 1938").


Presentation of the exhibition "Der Dank des Vaterlandes ist Euch gewiss!" in Sigena High School Nuremberg.


NCA exhibition "Die Suessheims: juedische Buerger - bayerische Politiker - Nuernberger Kunstsammler" (The Suessheims: Jewish Citizens - Bavarian Politicians - Nuremberg Art Collectors).


NCA exhibition "Mehr als Bing: Juedische Modelleisenbahnfirmen in Nuernberg" ("More than Bing: Jewish Model Railroad Companies in Nuremberg")


Article "Sammlungsgut zur juedischen Geschichte im Stadtarchiv Nuernberg" ("Collection items on Jewish history in Nuremberg City Archives") in NCA’s periodical NORICA, issue 7.


Cooperation with the Documentation Center Nazi Party Rally Grounds in its exhibition about the "Aryanization" of Jewish property in Nuremberg and Fuerth.


NCA exhibition "'Der Dank des Vaterlandes ist Euch gewiss!' - Diskriminierung, Kristallnacht und Holocaust im Spiegel der Sammlung Herbert Kolb" ("'The Gratitude of the Fatherland is granted to You!' - Discrimination, "Kristallnacht" and the Holocaust as documented in the Herbert Kolb Collection").
Presentation about the demolition of the main synagogue at Hans-Sachs-Platz on the occasion of its 75th anniversary
Visit by Nuremberg emigrant Herbert Kolb (USA) for a public eyewitness interview


NCA exhibition "Die Suessheims. Juedische Buerger, Politiker, Wissenschaftler in Bayern" ("The Suessheims: Jewish Citizens, Politicians, Scholars in Bavaria").
Publication of the Book "Blutvergiftung. Rassistische NS-Propaganda und ihre Konsequenzen für jüdische Kinder und Jugendliche in Nürnberg" (Blood Poisoning. Racist Nazi propaganda and its consequences for Jewish youths in Nuremberg).
German-English city map "Places of Jewish Life and its Extinction in Nuremberg until 1945" (free, to be ordered from NCA)


Purchase of seven Ottoman manuscripts and printed works formerly owned by Prof. Karl Süßheim to supplement NCA’s holding E 61/II.
Dramatic reading from the book “Blutvergiftung” in NCA, performed by students of the High School Hilpoltstein (Central Franconia).


Presentation of the exhibit “Die Suessheims” at the synagogue in Kronach (Upper Franconia) by the action group in charge of the building (Aktionskreis Kronacher Synagoge).


Dramatic reading from the book "Blutvergiftung" in High School Hilpoltstein on the occasion of Holocaust Memorial Day (January).

Publication of the book "Die Suessheims. Unternehmer, Politiker, Wissenschaftler, Sammler" (The Suessheim Family. Entrepreneurs, Politicians, Scholars, Collectors) - with English abstracts (November).


Research project in cooperation with the University of Augsburg, Chair of History, on the fate of Christians of Jewish origin in Nuremberg during the Nazi era


Reprint of the German-English city map "Places of Jewish Life and its Extinction in Nuremberg until 1945"

Gerhard Jochem

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