Science City Nuremberg

Stadt Nürnberg Wissenschaftsstandort

Highly qualified recruits on the regional labor market and practical research and science are important motors for the special innovative power and future orientation of the Nuremberg region. The City of Nuremberg and its surroundings are home to 30 universities with more than 150,000 students – ideal conditions for getting future markets moving.

As center of knowledge, Nuremberg brings together the factors of success. Application-oriented research and strong interdisciplinary communication between universities and research institutions characterize Nuremberg as a base of scientific knowledge.

Universities in Nuremberg

FAU Friedrich Alexander University Erlangen-Nuremberg

FAU is one of the ten largest universities in Germany and one of the leading universities in Europe. Founded in 1743, FAU has a rich history. It is a strong research university with an international perspective, with around 40,000 students, 272 degree programmes, 4,000 academic staff (including over 600 professors), 243 million euros (2021) third-party funding, and 500 partnerships with universities all over the world.

In Nuremberg is the School of Business, Economics, and Society (WiSo) located, the Centre for Teacher Education and research on information systems, engineering design and automated manufacturing located.

Nuremberg Institute of Technology Georg Simon Ohm

With its 13,000 students, the Nuremberg Institute of Technology - Nuremberg Tech for short - is one of the largest universities of applied sciences in Germany. It develops ideas for the world we live in today and for tomorrow and conducts research into the key issues affecting society. As one of the most research-intensive Bavarian universities and one of the most successful in acquiring external research funding, Nuremberg Tech maintains excellent ties with the region’s business sector and is an important driver of innovation in the Nuremberg Metropolitan Region.

UTN University of Technology Nuremberg

Nuremberg is also gaining a new Technical University. Designed for 6,000 students, this innovative institution will provide a model for the rest of the German higher education sector to follow. Based on a new overall concept, with original approaches in teaching and learning and a new organisational structure, it will place knowledge and technology transfer at its centre. Designed as a campus university and occupying 37.5 hectares in the middle of a 100-hectare site, the new institution will be a landmark in Nuremberg's southern cityscape and help shape the structure of the city. The first degree program Artificial Intelligence and Robotics (M.Sc.) started with the winter semester 2023/2024 at the interim location of UTN as full-time studies with presence phases.

Lutheran University of Applied Sciences

With study courses in the social, pedagogical and religious education fields, the Lutheran University of Applied Sciences promotes critical analysis and ethical reflection of professional action on the basis of Christian values. It combines theoretical content and practical experience through project study and guided practical training. The manageable size and small student groups permit personal contact between teachers and students.

Academy of Fine Arts

The Academy of Fine Arts in Nuremberg was founded in 1662 as the first academy of art in the German-speaking regions. The main fields of teaching are fine and applied arts.

Nuremberg University of Music

The Hochschule für Musik Nürnberg (Nuremberg University of Music) is the third State University of Music in Bavaria and was established only in 2008. However, its tradition goes back to the early 19th century.

Today, around 400 students are trained in musical performance and music education in Nuremberg.

Research institutions

Application-oriented research and strong interdisciplinary communication between universities and research institutions characterize Nuremberg as a base of scientific knowledge.


City of Nuremberg
Office for Economic Development

Daniela Förtsch

Telephone +49 (0)911 / 231 - 85 26

Fax +49 (0)911 / 231 - 85 25

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