Foundation “Nuremberg City of Peace and Human Rights”

On May 31, 2000, the City of Nuremberg established the foundation "Nuremberg – City of Peace and Human Rights", as a further concrete contribution to respect for human rights and their implementation.

Foundation Tasks

The foundation mainly funds

  • human rights projects organised by the awardees of the Nuremberg International Human Rights Award,
  • human rights activities within Nuremberg, e.g. projects for human rights education, scientific conferences and documentations,
  • measures arising from Nuremberg's role during the National Socialist reign of terror, e.g. contact with former forced labourers, events and publications concerned with this topic,
  • humanitarian aid in individual cases.

Foundation Projects

Since its inception, the foundation was able to use the interest accrued from its assets to support numerous human rights projects, activities and initiatives, and assisted four awardees of the Nuremberg International Human Rights Award with their human rights work. The City of Nuremberg Human Rights Office, for example, uses funds from the foundation and donations from Nuremberg citizens to support two projects run by Fatimata M’Baye, the 1999 awardee, in her home country of Mauritania, as well as three projects of the 2001 awardee, Bishop Samuel Ruíz García, in the South Mexican federal state of Chiapas. The foundation also provided funds for projects organised by the 2003 awardee Teesta Setalvad from India and Ibn Abdur Rehman from Pakistan. Also Dr. Adolfo Peréz Esquivel launched projects for street kids in Buenos Aires.

Applications for funding for activities within Nuremberg should be addressed to the Human Rights Office. Your application should comprise a detailed project description, including place and duration of the measure, the desired result and a finance plan. Applications may be made at any time, but there ought to be at least 4 months between the application and the start of the project.

Supporting the Foundation

If you want to support the foundation's work, you can add to its funding or to its assets. Please send your donations (stating your address and the intended use) to the following bank account:

Stadt Nürnberg
Sparkasse Nürnberg
IBAN: DE50 7605 0101 0001 0109 41

Please quote the reference "MRB Spende Stiftung" on the credit transfer form.

For further information please contact:

City of Nuremberg

Human Rights Office

Telephone +49 (0) 9 11 / 2 31 - 50 06

Fax +49 (0) 9 11 / 2 31 - 30 40

To encoded transmission of your message

Examples of funded projects

Radio spots for indigenous women

Since 2010 the City of Nuremberg has supported a new project: An evaluation of Yach´il Antzetic in 2008 revealed that – due to wide spread illiteracy – women affected by domestical violence and women who accidentally got pregnant are hardly to be reached and therefore can´t be informed on the offers of the Hogar Communitario.

The new project answers to this problems by using the most prevalent communication medium, which is the radio. Radio spots will provide health education, information on contraception, aids prevention and advise women on their rights and on the support opportunities of the Hogar Communitario.

Furthermore Mexican society should be made more sensitive for questions of prevention and domestical violence. The spots also should be aired in the two most frequented indigenous languages.

The 24th January 2011 Bishop Samuel Ruíz García passed away at the age of 86. With him the projects lost their most important promotor. Now it is important to ensure the continuation of his lifework.

If you want to support this project, please send your donation to:

Stadt Nürnberg
Sparkasse Nürnberg
IBAN: DE50 7605 0101 0001 0109 41

Please quote the reference "MRB, Spende Ruiz“ on the credit transfer form.

"Computer Course" of the Global Parents' Association

The Foundation supports the anti-radicalization project "Computer Course" of the Global Parents' Association: The course teaches democratic values through the PC and the Internet. In intercultural interaction the pupils learn not only programming but also the respect for other faiths and cultures. They are taught a critical analysis of media and information in order to reduce their vulnerability for extremist messages.

The target group are children and young people from socially disadvantaged families. The project includes workshops, theme weeks and excursions. After the successful test of the concept in the context of a pilot project, the team works now on a long-term realization.

Art Exhibition of Heidi Drahota in the City Hall

In 2015 the Nuremberg International Human Rights Award was given to the Bangladeshi union leader Amirul Haque Amin. In occasion of the ceremony a tapestry was created by artists witch refers, on the one hand to human rights and on the other hand to the dedication of the laureate. For the Peace Banquet 2016 textile artists from all over the world have been called to design artworks and therefore take up and promote the mission of Amirul Amin.

Textile art has the power to bring the problems of today's "fast fashion", the human rights violations during the production and our responsibility for fair production conditions in the textile industry worldwide together.

Death Penalty Project at the Sigmund-Schuckert-High-School

In 2015 the Foundation also encouraged the Sigmund-Schuckert-High-School: The school has a partnership with the Maynard H. Jackson High School in Atlanta. This year it was dedicated to the project "Human Rights and Criminal Law" and the death penalty. 16 high school students and their project partners from Atlanta discussed the public opinion of the death penalty.

They interviewed peers and researched the position of politicians on this issue. In Atlanta they had discussions with prosecutors, a lawyer and with prisoners who were sentenced to death. In Nuremberg, the students met with representatives of the Nuremberg Human Rights Office and the Museum of the Nuremberg Trials.

The aim was to raise the pupils awareness that the death penalty is incompatible with the Universal Declaration of Human Rights and to promote their active commitment to peace and freedom.

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