(future) parents in Nuremberg - Englisch

Becoming parents, being parents – what a change full of beautiful moments and great challenges!
Many questions and challenges are storming your way. Our video clips give you helpful tips for this exciting time - regardless of whether it is about financial benefits, necessary administrative procedures, child care or meeting places for young parents.
Hilfen rund um Schwangerschaft und Geburt
Finding help during the time of pregnancy and after childbirth
With this video we want to provide information for parents-to-be and parentss during the time of pregnancy and after childbirth.
Here is an overview of the links to the websites mentioned in the video
We will check these links regularly and, if necessary, update and add them up:
Hilfen nach der Geburt und in den ersten Lebensjahren
Help after the child is born and during the first years of the child's life
With this video we want to inform (expectant) parents about possible help after the child is born and during the first years of their child's life.
Here is an overview of the links to the websites mentioned in the video
We will check these links regularly and, if necessary, update and add them up:
Finanzielle Leistungen & Hilfen
Financial benefits and assistance
With this video we would like to inform you about possible financial benefits and assistance during pregnancy and after the birth of your child.
Here is an overview of the links to the websites mentioned in the video
We will check these links regularly and, if necessary, update and add them up:
Wiedereinstieg ins Berufsleben
Re-entering the workplace
With this video we would like to provide information to expectant parents on the topic of re-entering the workplace.
Here is an overview of the links to the websites mentioned in the video
These links are checked and updated regularly and new information is added as necessary:

Wir danken der Sparda-Bank Nürnberg für die freundliche Unterstützung!